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Friday 24 January 2014

100 Happy Days: Day 21: Sharing Pictures online.

Happiness is ‘Sharing pictures with friends on social media'.

It’s become our habit to share pictures with our family and friends on Facebook, Watsapp and Instagram. Everybody is a photographer. See a plate of food or goodies, click, visit a monument, click, religious ceremony, click, stuck in the traffic chaos, click. Thousands of pictures are posted everyday on Facebook and on other social media. Some raw and some polished. People complain of plagiarizers but take no trouble to protect their images.

My passion is photography. For me, it’s an art waiting to be captured. Be it an ordinary Panasonic camera or a Samsung S3, my interest is not diminished. I am so grateful to Photoshop for the uplift my pictures’ quality. Sometimes standing next to professional photographer, I stand meekly, clicking a quick shot. A desire to buy a better camera lies buried under my skin. I wish to buy professional piece but won’t compromise on bulky accessories like lens, tripod, and flash. It’s too much of a hassle. But I am hoping, someday, a small, easy to carry, good cameras will soon pop out their necks, till then, clicking ordinary pictures from unimpressive camera should do the trick.

After all, what I enjoy is sharing pictures with my friends on line, isn’t it?

So here I am, with the project of 100 Happy DaysI am posting pictures each day here on my blog then sharing the link on my page on FB too. You can enjoy my work either here or on my page at FB at Pushee’s World

Thursday 23 January 2014

Book Review: ‘Echoes From The Vortex” by Monika Pant

This is one book that I enjoyed reading, especially her soul-stirring poems and snippets of the flashback stories told in italics.

There is deep insight and philosophy discussed as the author writes her memoirs during the days she spent fighting the life threatening disease of Ovarian cancer. She writes:
 “My suffering has given me an opportunity to rise above it and make me value life as never before, of making it into a triumph. It’s a chance rarely given to humans.” 
She further adds: “Tears are necessary to become strong. It washes the heart of the pain and makes one accept it better. It makes space for hope and strength. It is not a sign of weakness but one of coming in terms with one’s lot.”

She is particularly offended by people who come and mouth concern and talk about her suffering as though it were fireside tale. She feels the least one can do is to 'keep quiet' and give respect to the suffering individual instead of making light of their situation.

In between her narration there are poems. I enjoyed reading all her poems that are written with great sensitivity; her poems have a soul and deep meaning.

 In a poem on ‘Springtime Fancies’, she writes:

“The bleakness does not end
With the chill of winter
Nor does the heat of summer
Make the passion simmer
The rain does not quench any more
The thirst of man
Spring does not reconstruct
But we still reap what we sow”

The book is quite interesting. We learn to know her more intimately through her relationship with family members closer to her, her moments of bliss, her fears and her inner struggle to cope with her disease with optimism and hope.

As I flip through the pages, one by one, my heart reaches out to the author and I begin to respect her even more for what she is.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

100 Happy Days: Day 20 Bread Baking.

Happiness is ‘baking a bread at home’.

Pizza bread, focaccia, garlic bread, multigrain bread, you can buy a bread from great selection available at superstore but a bigger pleasure is baking it at home. The rise of dough to a spongy creation, the whiff of freshly baked fragrance filling the home, and serving in a most creative way topped with layers of cheese and stuffing gives an immense pleasure.

So here I am, with the project of 100 Happy DaysI am posting pictures each day here on my blog then sharing the link on my page on FB too. You can enjoy my work either here or on my page at FB at Pushee’s World

100 Happy Days: Day 19: Tea Break.

Happiness is 'Sharing tea time stories in 55 words’

Teapot lay on the table, untouched, its’ misty vapors disappearing in air. She pursed her lips, her tongue savoring that tender kiss.
 “Should I serve brewed tea now?” Said Sunil ruffling the wet, sweaty curls with his hand. “No, we will wait.” She gave quick glance on wall clock. “My husband will soon be home”.

In the company of Marathon Bloggers, we participate in the project of 100 Happy Days

Also Clubbing #100HappyDays with a weeklong ‘55 word fiction’ attempt along with Marathon bloggers

I am posting pictures each day here on my blog then sharing the link on my page on FB too. You can enjoy my work either here or on my page at FB at Pushee’s World

Also will be pleased if you like and share my page at ‘Pushee’s World.

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